The four approaches to employee development are appropriate assessment, interpersonal relationships, formal education, and work experiences. Founded in 2003, Valamis is known for its award-winning culture. For example, instructor-led hands-on training may be the best option for teaching a detailed process or craft, e.g. Ex.
A complex manufacturing process or the preparation of an exclusive dish for a restaurant. When we talk about the various methods of employee development and their benefits, we can't stress the importance of helping employees hone their skills through coaching. Coaching is often a very practical approach to skill development and is ideal for developing skills such as technical and analytical skills. Through employer-sponsored training camps, employees could also gain invaluable interpersonal and conflict resolution skills.
As with coaching, consider the time asset and the even smaller funnel of an individual teaching model. Mentoring is not very effective in developing the skills required at lower levels of the organizational structure, such as the workshop assistant or the accounting supervisor. Coaching could be a better method for developing skills at those levels. At their highest level, simulations can include completely virtual worlds, such as firefighter or flight training, where employees can learn the necessary skills in an environment without consequences.
Employees who have attended some basic training on a technical skill (whether to operate a new machine or learn new methods of financial analysis) often find that on-the-job training is an excellent way to perfect those skills. It's basically about learning by doing, which is usually done right after training. The main purpose of on-the-job training is to provide the employee with everything necessary so that they can study for themselves while on the job. Employees learn to use something or apply methods as they complete assigned tasks.
Ivan is a dedicated, versatile professional with more than 12 years of experience in online marketing and a proven track record of turning challenges into opportunities. As a business development assistant to the CEO of Valamis, Ivan works diligently to improve internal processes and explore new possibilities for the company. Learn more about training, methods, and approaches to employee development. There are many specific development activities inside and outside of work.
Like classroom instructions, seminars and conferences are useful for bringing groups together for development programs. ii) They are also used to raise discussion points or topics of discussion (usually with the help of a qualified leader) that do not have fixed answers. iii) They are used to change manager attitudes for better management. It's an artificial environment that tries to look a lot like a real condition.
The advantages of simulation exercises are the opportunities to try to create an environment similar to real situations without high costs. However, the downsides are that it's difficult to duplicate the pressures and realities of real decision-making at work. People often act differently in real-life situations than in a simulated exercise. The commonly used simulation exercise includes the case study, the management game, and the role-playing game.
The case study is particularly useful in classroom learning situations. With documented examples, participants learn to analyze and summarize facts and to understand the numerous variables on which management decisions are based. I) Analytical, problem solving, and critical thinking skills are the most important. The case study provides students with a realistic experience to identify and analyze complex problems.
Students learn that there are many ways to address and solve complex organizational problems. I) Be clear about learning objectives and list possible ways to achieve the objectives. Ii) Decide what objectives would best be achieved with the case method. iii) Identify the available cases that might work or consider writing your own.
Vii) Stop to check the process and prepare to intervene if group dynamics get out of control. X) Bridging the gap between theory and practice. Management games make training experiences more lively and interesting. Players are faced with the task of making a series of decisions that affect a hypothetical organization.
The effects of each decision can be simulated with a computer programmed for the game. In computerized management games, students are divided into companies of 5 or 6 people, each of which has to compete with others in a simulated market. ii) The planning of management games is designed for general use, but some have been designed for specific purposes. (iii) Some airlines have developed games in which managers who work as a team compete with each other running fictitious airlines and have to balance the issues of routes, schedules, costs, profits, etc.
Role play consists of interpreting the roles of others, assuming their attitudes and behaviors. I) By representing the role or position of another person, participants can improve their ability to understand and cope with others. ii) Role play helps employees learn to advise others by making them understand situations from a different angle. (iii) Role playing is common in training health professionals to be empathetic and sensitive to patient concerns.
Iv) It is increasingly used in manager training to deal with employee problems related to absenteeism, performance evaluation, and conflict situations. The main drawback of role-playing games is that participants are hesitant to try. Role play is a versatile tool applicable to a variety of situations. With proper planning and implementation, role-playing can bring realism and understanding of dilemmas and experiences.
Feedback helps students determine how well they performed their roles by applying management skills to each situation. It is a simulation of the administrative tasks of a manager's job. The exercise includes a variety of documents that may appear in the basket (inbox) of the manager's desk. Participants read the materials and decide how to respond to them.
Responses can include delegating tasks, scheduling meetings, writing answers, or even completely ignoring the document. This attempts to teach people about themselves and about why and how they relate, interact, impact, and are affected by others. This is achieved by having students observe and analyze their real behavior in groups. I) Increased understanding, insight, and self-awareness about one's own behavior and its impact on others.
Ii) Increase understanding and sensitivity about the behavior of others. Iii) Better understanding and knowledge of group and intergroup processes. V) Increased capacity to transform learning into action. Vi) Improving the individual's ability to analyze their own interpersonal behavior.
Sometimes referred to as nature or survival training, outdoor training has become a trend in many companies. The main objective is to teach students the importance of working together and developing team spirit. Rafting, mountaineering and a week's survival in a “jungle” are some of the programs. This type of training is useful, since the current business environment does not allow employees to work alone.
This emphasizes the importance of working closely with each other, building trusting relationships, and succeeding as members of a group. It refers to a company that allows employees to play a full-time operational role in another company. This helps employees interested in gaining experience in a specific industry. Companies that sponsor internships commit to hiring external people after their tasks, and employees who participate in the internship program will maintain their commitment to the company because they have had the opportunity to learn and grow professionally and have not had to interrupt their personal and professional lives with the search for employment.
While internships offer employees other employment options and some leave, not only are they a good development strategy, they also help with hiring. The internship program indicates to potential employees that the company is creative and flexible with its employees. As an extension, there are companies that exchange employees for mutual benefit. It is a company leave of absence to renew or develop skills.
It's similar to externality, a temporary assignment where employees usually receive full pay and benefits. I) Sabbatical years allow employees to get away from the daily stress of their jobs and gain new skills and perspectives. ii) Sabbatical years allow employees to spend more time on their personal activities. (iii) Sabbatical years are common in a variety of industries ranging from the fast food industry to consulting firms.
Iv) Sabbatical years help retain key employees and recruit new ones. V) This program helps to recharge employees' creativity in their jobs. It's an approach that demonstrates the desired behavior and provides students with an opportunity to practice and represent those behaviors and receive feedback. That is, it involves showing students the right way (or model) to do something, letting each person practice the right way to do it, and providing feedback on each student's performance.
Participants watch movies, DVDs, or video tapes showing a model director effectively addressing a problem. The model specifically shows how to deal with the situation and demonstrates the learning points. The trainer provides constructive feedback based on the student's performance in the role-playing situation. If student behavior increasingly resembles that of the model, the trainer and other students provide social reinforcements, such as praise, approval, encouragement, and attention.
Finally, trainees are encouraged to apply their new skills when they return to their jobs. Throughout the training period, emphasis is placed on the transfer of training to the workplace. Behavioral models have been found to help managers interact with employees, manage discipline problems, introduce change, and increase productivity. Some skills can be acquired simply by listening, reading, and watching.
But there are many skills that can only be acquired through real practice and experience. Managers develop skills effectively when presented with opportunities to perform under pressure and learn from their mistakes. Development experiences at work are the most powerful and the most used. For workplace development programs to be successful, exercise must be well-organized, intelligently supervised, and challenging for participants.
These are the relationships, problems, demands, tasks, and other characteristics that employees face in their jobs. I) Most employee development occurs through work experiences. (ii) The main assumption when using work experiences in employee development is that development is more likely to occur when there is a mismatch between the employee's skills and past experiences and the skills required for the job. iii) To succeed in their jobs, employees must improve their skills; they are forced to learn new skills, apply their skills and knowledge in a new way, and master new experiences.
V) Some of the labor demands that help development programs are demonstrating that one has unknown responsibilities, developing new directions to solve inherited problems, reducing staff and recurring employees, managing instability, managing business diversity, overloading work, managing work overload, managing external pressure, influencing without authority, adverse business conditions, lack of support from top management, difficult boss, etc. Vi) Work experiences that are considered positive stressors stimulate learning and those considered negative stressors create a high level of harmful stress. Vii) Since work obstacles and demands related to creating change are more likely to generate negative stress than other work demands, organizations must carefully analyze the negative consequences before including employees in development programs that involve obstacles or bring about change. It is the process of systematically moving a person from one job to another over a period of time.
Work assignments can be in several functional areas of the organization, or the movement can be between positions in a simple functional area or department. I) Tasks are based on the employee's development needs. ii) Employees who rotate to new positions should document their experiences and learning, specifically focusing on how the change helped them develop their skills or better understand the business. Vi) Labor rotation helps employees gain a general appreciation of the organization's objectives, increase their understanding of different organizational functions, develop a network of contacts, and improve problem solving and decision-making skills.
(vii) Labor turnover has been shown to be related to skill acquisition, wage increases, and promotion opportunities. (Viii) Effective job rotation systems are linked to the organization's training, development and career management systems. I) Job rotation can create a short-term perspective on problems and solutions. ii) Employee satisfaction and motivation can be negatively affected because it is difficult to develop specialties in a short period of time.
(iv) The department that trains an employee and the department that accepts the employee may experience productivity losses and an increase in workload due to training demands and loss of labor. I) Labor rotation is used to develop skills and provide employees with the experience necessary for management positions. ii) Employees understand the specific skills that will be developed by rotation. iii) Labor rotation is used for all levels and types of employees.
IV) Job rotation is linked to the career management process, so employees are aware of the development needs addressed by each work assignment. V) The benefits of rotation are maximized and costs are minimized by managing rotation time to reduce workload costs and help employees understand the role of labor turnover in their development plans. Vi) All employees have the same opportunities for labor rotation assignments, regardless of their demographic. Transfer is the transfer of an employee to a different work assignment in a different area of the organization.
Transfers don't necessarily increase job responsibilities or compensation. They are mostly lateral movements with similar responsibilities. While transfers to different jobs in new environments help employee development, many employees are reluctant to be transferred for obvious reasons: I) The transfer can be stressful not only because the employee's work rules change, but also because the spouse, if employed, must find a new job. Ii) Transfers alter employees' daily lives, interpersonal relationships and work habits.
Iv) Employees may be away from emotional support from friends and family. Vi) They are expected to be as productive in their new jobs as they were in their previous jobs, although they may not be familiar with the products, services, processes, or customers. (vii) While transfers help employees develop with new opportunities, many feel that transfers demotivate. Sometimes they may feel like it's a light punishment.
Because transfers can cause anxiety, many organizations find it difficult to get employees to accept the transfer. ii) The belief that a person's future in the organization is promising, and iii) the belief that accepting a transfer is necessary for success in the organization. This allows managers to work on real projects, analyzing and solving problems, usually in other departments. This gives the manager time to work full time with other members of the organization.
At the end of the program, managers are expected to inform management about solutions. In some cases, active learning is combined with classroom instructions, debates, and lectures. I) Committee tasks allow employees to participate in decision-making, learn by watching others, and investigating specific organizational problems. ii) Temporary committees usually act as a working group to discuss a particular problem, determine alternative solutions, and recommend particular solutions.
iii) Temporary assignments are reported to be interesting and rewarding for employee development. iv) Appointment to standing committees increases the employee's exposure to other members of the organization, broadens their understanding, and provides an opportunity to grow and make suggestions under the scrutiny of other committee members. It's a process in which a mentor, who happens to be a productive and experienced senior employee, helps develop a less experienced employee (the protected one). I) Most mentoring relationships develop informally as a result of interests or values shared by the mentor or protégé.
ii) In general, employees with certain personality characteristics, such as emotional stability, adaptable behavior, and high needs for power and achievement, are more likely to seek a mentor and be an attractive protest for a mentor. (iii) Mentoring relationships can also be developed as part of the employee development program to match successful senior employees with less experienced but ambitious employees. (iv) While many mentoring relationships are developed informally, a formalized mentoring program ensures access to mentors for all employees. However, formal mentoring may not be able to serve the real purpose in a relationship that has been artificially created.
V) Mentors are chosen based on interpersonal and technical skills. Some mentors need to be trained for effective mentoring. I) Both mentors and protégés can benefit from the mentoring relationship. ii) Mentors provide professional and psychological support to their protégés.
Professional support includes training, protection, sponsorship, and the provision of challenging tasks, exposure, and visibility. Psychological support includes serving as a friend and role model, providing positive respect and acceptance, and creating an outlet for the protégé to address their anxieties and fears. iii) There will be higher promotion rates, better salaries and greater organizational influence for the protected. Due to the lack of potential mentors and the belief that the quality of formal mentoring is worse than that of informal mentoring, some organizations have group mentoring programs.
In group mentoring programs, a successful senior employee is paired with a group of four to six less experienced protégés. I) The participation of mentors and protégés is voluntary. The relationship can be ended at any time without fear of punishment. ii) The mentor-protected matchmaking process does not limit the ability of informal relationships to develop.
For example, a mentor group can be established to allow protégés to choose from a variety of qualified mentors. iii) Mentors are chosen based on their track record in employee development, their willingness to serve as mentors, and evidence of positive training, communication, and listening skills. V) The duration of the program is specified. The mentor and protégé are encouraged to continue the relationship beyond the formal period.
Vi) A minimum level of contact between the mentor and the protégé is specified. Vii) Protected people are encouraged to contact each other to discuss problems and share success. Viii) The mentoring program is evaluated. Interviews with mentors and protégés provide immediate feedback on specific areas of dissatisfaction.
The surveys collect more detailed information about the benefits received by participating in the program. It is a process in which a coach, who can be a partner or a manager who works with the employee, motivates, helps, develops skills, and provides reinforcements and feedback. I) One-on-one interaction as in the case of feedback. ii) Helping employees learn for themselves by identifying experts who can address employee concerns.
iii) Provide resources such as mentors, courses or work experiences that employees themselves cannot access. I) The reluctance of managers to discuss performance issues even with a competent employee to avoid any possible confrontation. ii) The interest and ability of managers to identify performance problems rather than helping to solve them. Many companies have internal development centers, which often combine classroom learning (conferences, seminars, etc.).
Some companies offer courses ranging from entry-level programs in manufacturing and sales to strategic management and business development. For some companies, their learning portals have become their internal development centers. While large companies have their own institutes, small businesses have web-based learning portals that not only make it easy to coordinate all of the company's training efforts, but also offer web-based modules that cover topics ranging from CRM to mentoring. There are several methods for developing employees.
Organizations can employ a combination of several methods depending on the type of employees and the organizational context. Noe et al (200) identified four general approaches, namely, formal education, evaluation, work experiences, and interpersonal relationships. These are employee development programs that include short courses offered by consultants or universities, MBA programs for executives, and university programs. These are in-person and in-person programs designed specifically for company executives.
I) These programs include lectures by business experts, business games, simulation, adventure learning, and client meetings. ii) Many companies have development centers that offer development programs that include in-person, online training, and work experiences. iii), these programs offer experiences in areas such as public relations, financial communication, electronic media, and Internet development. V) Participants are mentored by experienced communication leaders.
Evaluation involves gathering information and providing feedback to employees about their behavior, communication style, or skills for further development. V) The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a psychological test used for team building and leadership development that identifies employees' preferences in terms of energy, information gathering, decision-making, and lifestyle. Most employee development occurs through work experience, that is, the relationships, problems, demands, tasks, or other characteristics that employees face in their jobs. I) One of the main assumptions when using work experiences for employee development is that development is more likely to occur when there is a mismatch between the employee's skills and past experiences and the skills required for the job.
ii) To succeed in their jobs, employees must expand their skills, that is, they are forced to learn new skills, apply their skills and knowledge in a new way, and master new experiences. (iii) A concern in using demanding work experiences for employee development is whether they are considered positive or negative stress, work experiences that are considered positive stress challenge employees to stimulate learning, work challenges considered negative tensions create high levels of harmful stress for employees exposed to them. IV) Work experience is gained through job rotation, job expansion, internships and sabbatical years. Employees can develop skills and increase their knowledge about the company, its customers, organizational policy, organizational behavior, etc.
Mentoring and coaching are two types of interpersonal relationships used to develop employees. .